Koontz Law - PLLC

Probation Violation

Probation Violation Attorneys in North Carolina

Experienced Lawyers for Probation Violations

In North Carolina, probation is a form of punishment for a criminal conviction. Probation is an alternative to serving time in jail or prison. Once on probation, a specific set of conditions are set for you to meet over a specified amount of time. Having an experienced lawyer representing you can help you to get the best deal possible for your probation.

Types of Probation Violation

The two types of probation in North Carolina are supervised and unsupervised. When a person is sentenced to supervised probation they are assigned a probation officer. Their probation officer will ensure compliance with the terms of probation and schedule routine check-ins with the person who is on probation. Unfortunately, some people who are on probation end up with a probation violation and will need the assistance of a skilled attorney.

I have used Koontz Law, PLLC several times and have been extremely impressed with their professionalism, friendliness, speed, and accuracy in assisting me with my specific legal needs.

Why Choose Koontz Law?

The experienced professionals at Koontz Law can help you with your North Carolina Probation Violation. Every person who is accused of violating their probation is entitled to a probation hearing in either district court or superior court. Anytime a probation violation is alleged against you, your freedom is at stake and you need someone in your corner.

Probation Violation Consequences

The most serious consequence of a North Carolina Probation Violation is revocation. Revocation means that the defendant will now go to jail and serve the entire suspended sentence. The best way to avoid jail time or a probation revocation is to hire a probation lawyer if a probation violation is alleged.

Possible Probation Violation Hearing Outcomes

The possible outcomes of a hearing for violation of probation include:

Reinstatement - Probation continues under the same conditions, regardless of whether the court determines there has been a violation.

Modification - The court may decide to modify the conditions of probation after notice and hearing and for good cause shown.

Extension - This typically cannot exceed five years in most cases, although special conditions may allow the court to extend probation up to an additional three years.

Termination - The court discharges the alleged offender earlier than provided.

Transfer - The court authorizes the alleged offender to be transferred to unsupervised probation after all fines, fees, and court costs have been paid to the clerk.

Contempt – The court may hold an alleged offender who willfully violates a condition of probation in criminal contempt. These procedures also require an alleged offender's guilt to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

Special Probation – The court mat decide to it modify probation to add special probation, commonly referred to as a split sentence. The total amount of incarceration cannot exceed ¼ of the maximum sentence imposed or, in cases of impaired driving, ¼ the maximum penalty allowed by law.

Revocation - If the alleged offender violated the criminal offense or abscond conditions of probation or committed any violation, then their suspended sentence can be activated and they will be ordered to spend time in jail or prison.

Let's Discuss Your Probation Violation Case 

If you have been accused of a probation violation, you want to ensure you have an attorney on your side. Hopefully, they can plead your case and keep you out of jail by getting your North Carolina Probation Violation charges dismissed. To learn more about how we can represent your during your probation violation case, contact Koontz Law today!

For more information about probation violations or to schedule a consultation, call us at (336) 751-6235 or visit our contact page.

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“Mrs. Koontz has assisted our family with several business related matters and we have been nothing but pleased and impressed. She is knowledgeable, kind, and straight forward. We would highly recommend her office.”

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“Needed legal advise and as soon as I called I felt that I would be well taken care of. Very professional, personable, and supportive. I got the answers I needed quickly and will definitely be my go to in the future!”

Christopher B.

“Mrs. Koontz was absolutely amazing. When she is going up to bat for you she is a force to be reckoned with and I am sure glad she was on my side. You could not pick a better person to represent you.”

Gabriel F.

“Our family received courteous, realistic and professional advice from Ms. Koontz. We look forward to working with Ms. Koontz and the kind ladies in her office for all of our future needs.”

Becky P.

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